Sometimes the most interesting things in life are not easily categorized. Here is an online sample of some items in the Talbot’s collection that are worthy of note, but don’t fit elsewhere.
The two King James Versions of the Bible were presented to what was then the Willis-Knighton Memorial Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit on Easter, 1979. The Bibles were given by Mrs. Jewel McCart in memory of her late sister Lula Knotts Phillips. Mrs. Phillips had passed away in 1977. Mrs. Phillips according to poem attached to the Bibles was a registered nurse and possibly worked at what was then Schumpert Medical Center.
According to Mrs. McCart’s obituary in the Shreveport Times, she had been a physical therapist at Tri-State Hospital the forerunner of Willis-Knighton. She also was the founder of Jewel’s Bible Mission an organization that distributed Bibles to schools, hospital and radio and TV station.
She apparently wanted to donate the Bibles to then President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter. Included in both books is a letter from a presidential secretary declining the gift and with a “Thank You” note from the couple. The secretary cited government rules on gifts to the White House and Mr. Carter’s own decision not to have him or his family accept any gifts while President.
Then it seems Mrs. Cart decided to give the Bibles to Willis-Knighton Memorial Hospital. Mrs. McCart passed away in 1983